Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just me and the 4 youngest today

My wife and oldest daughter M12 (on this blog I am not going to use first names -- fortunately we didn't use the same first initial for any of our children, so this works out well) went on a temple trip this morning to St. Louis with the Young Women (yes M is already a young woman), so it is just me and T10, B8, C4, and A1. So far I have done two loads of dishes, minus the cups on the top layer that never get clean. We just leave them in there hoping they will get clean, but day-after-day they disappoint us.
We have also made a lot of progress today on Zelda: Twilight Princess which we play on our old school Gamecube. In a lot of ways though I think the Gamecube still is better than the Wii - it's cheaper, and you don't need a lot of space to wave your arms in. Plus, Link is still left handed when you play the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, which is truer to the franchise (disclosure: I am a lefty myself). The game is rated T (teen) but I am making sure to stay ahead of the kids enough to find anything that merits the rating. So far I don't see anything much worse than the other Zelda games.
A1 (1-year-old girl) is walking around holding some Pokemon cards that undoubtedly belong to one of her brothers. She is singing some kind of song about them and waving them triumphantly. She just threw them across the kitchen floor and is recollecting them. I'll never understand why the boys leave these out if they really are as valuable as they claim them to be.
I am noticing an odor as A1 walks by that elicits my instinct that tells me "I wonder how long I can go without changing her diaper before it becomes a problem." If you wait to long you undoubtedly will change it and realize you caused a diaper rash by delaying. Looks like I will delay no longer.

1 comment:

  1. Will,
    How wonderful to hear from you again--in sentences, no less! It's great the KandM can get away today. I love the picture of A throwing the beloved cards around.
    M (Mom)
